
Touch is a bridge between worlds

A Transformational Relationship Journey towards Deeper Intimacy and Connection

information for your massage therapist - Chiropractic Hand Adjustment
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Welcome to Intentioned Touch

Touch connects the parts of this seemingly chaotic world to reveal wholeness and beauty.
Intention has the power to drastically transform the inner experience.

Touch is a profound tool of non-verbal communication that has the power to transform relationships and the deepest parts of ourselves.

Why Intentioned Touch?
Transform your relationships and your inner experience.
Improve communication with your partner. Connect to lost parts of yourself. Discover simple tools

intentioned touch book

What is Intentioned Touch?

Intentioned Touch is a method developed and practiced by Matt Gleicher to strengthen communication and transform relationships through the simple tools of touch. Adding intention to foster connection through simple exercises and tools, Intentioned Touch has the power to shift your relationships and transform the deepest part of yourself.

Couple holding hands

How does it work?

Intentioned Touch goes beyond regular bodywork or massage. In this scenario, all the power is in your hands. Learn how to use the simple action of touch – an everyday act, or a more intimate one – to convey the deepest meanings that transform communication and strengthen connection.

Download the E-Book

The Intentioned Touch Course is available both online and in-person. Watch online videos, practice the exercises, and connect with coaching and expertise. We also offer in-person workshops for couples or groups with follow-up digital components. (Note: Participants remain fully clothed during workshops).

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Start a Transformational Relationship Journey towards Deeper Intimacy and Connection

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20+ Years Experience Integrating Body with Mind & Spirit

Intentioned Touch Workshop

20+ Years Experience Integrating Body with Mind & Spirit